How Content Marketing Can Improve Your Business

James Holmes
3 min readDec 3, 2020


A Travel Edition



Hello and welcome to my video of how creating good content can improve your business a travel edition I’ve picked out a couple of good examples from two or three travel companies within the industry that are using content to really good effect which I am hoping will inspire you to do the same.

The first piece of content I’d like you to take a look at is lonely planet’s use of YouTube. What I really like about lonely planet’s use of their content strategy is the fact that they are using YouTube quite a lot and have gained a huge following with over 216 thousand subscribers and 36 million views. With mobile video consumption doubling every year and due to youtube being the second most popular website after Google this is a great way to access the mass market and get more eyes on your content. Video content is also a great way — specifically in the travel industry to showcase your experiences and share these experiences with your audience, Which is what Lonely Planet has done to great effect. I prefer this approach in comparison to their content on their website and news feed as I feel like it’s shares their experiences better and obviously accesses more people.

Okay next I’ve picked out love great Britain’s use of their social media platforms and specifically on Instagram. They’ve created a Sherlock Holmes quiz. Obviously Sherlock Holmes is a massively recognised British icon and love Great Britain have tied in this with an engaging quiz. What’s really engaging about this is the fact that it interacts with the audience really well. People seeing this have the opportunity to test their knowledge on Sherlock Holmes. This is really good to build up audience engagement and interactions with your brand. I prefer this approach in comparison to the high quality images and the Halloween video in the slides because I feel it’s very interactive and really drives the audience engagement.

Zero to travel have targeted the use of a podcast. They have 6.5 million downloads and they’ve got their podcast being listened to in 195 countries and they’ve got over 305 star iTunes reviews so obviously this is a really big dominant podcast within the travel industry. The great thing about using a podcast is people that are travelling and are exploring, can listen to it on the go. People can download it when they are in a Wi-Fi zone and then take it on the travels with them. I prefer this approach in comparison to the guest posts and reviews on the website because a podcast can really connect the person that’s creating the podcast and the person that’s listening because they might be within the country that the podcast is about or talking about similar experiences and really build that audience relationship through shared experience.

Thank you very much for listening to my quick review of content creation within the travel industry and I hope you can take these lessons I have highlighted and apply them yourselves to really benefit your business.

James Holmes




James Holmes
James Holmes

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