Personal Branding

James Holmes
3 min readAug 21, 2020

How you can create a social media following through your brand identity.


“Personal branding is about both self-promotion and authentic self-expression”[1] [Gaurav Gulati]

Personal branding is how you promote yourself to your audience and is an opportunity to influence how you are perceived. It can be a very effective way to allow your audience to connect you in a human way, relate to your story and what you stand for.

If you offer you audience a solution to their problem, then your brand can be of real value.

Do you want to show your audience that you can solve their problems?

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Kylie Jenner, Instagram


Social media is an excellent way to access 3.6 billion people[2] who on average people spend 144 minutes per day on social media[3]. Social media is one of the best ways to reach your audience.

Facebook is the biggest social media platform with around 2.4 billion monthly active users[4]. You can share the greatest variation of content in comparison to other platforms. This makes it a great place to start your personal branding journey.

Twitter also allows you to post a wide range of content through links and you can tweet up to 140 characters. This makes the users more concise and straight to the point. The use of hashtags gives you a place where you can create trends and react to existing trends.

Instagram is the largest platform for visual content. The explore page is the area to grow your audience and influence through likes, comments and shares. If you have a brand that is very visual, then this platform is a must.

There are others social platforms including LinkedIn, Snapchat, tik tok and Pinterest.

Ultimately you need to find out who your audience is and where to find them and target your content towards these platforms.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Facebook


Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo has the greatest following on Facebook with just under 128 million followers. It is clear to see his brand and his values — family time, the will to win and the dedication to his sport.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner’s clearly shows her brand on Instagram. She shows her natural beauty and style with great visuals in a variety of settings. She solves the problem of looking great by promoting her beauty product range.

Kylie Jenner, Instagram — Looking Great with Luxury Products
Kylie Jenner, Instagram — Promoting her beauty range to her audience

[1] Gaurav Gulati, The history of personal branding []

[2] Statista 2020 []

[3] []

[4] Hubspot, Pamela Bump, The 5 types of social media and the pro’s and con’s for each []

